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DO Masterclass Minutes

DO Masterclass Minutes - Fey's Tricks to Increase Productivity & Profitability with Hypnotherapy

May 25, 2023
Swaraa Lodha

DO Masterclass Minutes: A summary of the insights and learnings from each class. 🚀

Recently, we had our eighth masterclass in the series.

Topic: Increasing Productivity & Profitability with Hypnotherapy

Expert Speaker: Fey Wong, Founder & Therapist at HumptyDumpty Hypnotherapy

This session included listening to Fey's’ experiences as a hypnotherapist and learning about techniques to make our mind powerful, and work more profitable.  

So, without further ado, let’s get into a (summarized) recap of what we learnt in the class.


“I had the longest day today and I am struggling at work.”

“I have no time for my family, and I feel burnt out.”

“I am getting sick of feeling sad and unwanted”

“I am not able to concentrate on my diet plan and I feel unhealthy”

“I feel like I am not on the same page as my partner, and we are fighting too much”

Any of these seem familiar?

As a recent university graduate, balancing life, love, and laundry all together for the first time, I have heard myself say a lot of these things while struggling to manage everything.  

Do they ring true for you too?

If they do, there is a high chance that your mental health has been impacted by your surroundings and you could use some help to feel better within yourself!

”Everyone has the ability to become the version of themselves.”

As difficult as this sounds, our masterclass expert, Fey, believes this and works every day to make this a reality for her clients. Despite our traumas, our beliefs, and our stresses in life, we all have the power to get out of mental spaces that are not good for us. Especially as freelancers, our traumas and beliefs can not only affect us, but also our productivity and profitability. In such cases, hypnotherapy can help!

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy conducted by hypnosis, which is the state where our nervous systems are asleep. It can be described as a deep state of relaxation, where we can access our subconscious mind and feed ourselves better words and thoughts to direct ourselves into a more positive state. All of us have already experienced hypnosis during our REM or Rapid Eye Movement states when we dream during our sleep. Hypnosis is just tapping into that whilst we are awake. Furthermore, hypnotherapy revolves around the idea that the client and person involved is always aware and in control.

The Conscious VS Unconscious Mind

The conscious mind revolves around our willpower and controlling behaviors and habits. This mind focuses on critical and logical thinking while dealing with short term memory. However, the subconscious mind is incapable of reasoning, making it highly non-judgmental and flexible. This is why hypnosis accesses the subconscious mind and helps us deal with our beliefs, emotions, values, and intuition, amongst other things.  

Rapid Transformational Therapy

Rapid Transformational Therapy is a treatment or process created by Marisa Peer, that uses principles of hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Counselling in amalgamation to help clients with their issues. This can include anything from anxiety and depression to trauma and daily stress. This form of hypnotherapy can help our lives, business, and career. We can learn to break habits, get rid of addictions, overcome fears, and resolve mental blocks/issues.  

Of course, it is much easier said than done, but there are steps in hypnotherapy that can help you increase your productivity and profitability.  

Step 1: What are Our Beliefs?

We make our beliefs and then our beliefs make us. We all live our lives in different ways and experience vastly different situations, all of which make us believe certain truths about our personal and professional lives.  

This is what makes beliefs extremely powerful. They hold the power to change our thinking as well as make us very rigid to change what we already think.

Which is why the first step of hypnotherapy (to increase productivity and profitability) is examining our beliefs.  

We need to ask ourselves:  

  1. What are some beliefs we have about ourselves and our business/work?
  2. Why are these beliefs in place?
  3. Are they underlying and affect everything without us realizing it or are they visible to us in everything we do?

Step 2: What is The Root Cause?

This is where we need to deep dive into our beliefs and figure out why our beliefs have transformed into what they are now. We need to access our childhood memories and conditioning to get to the root cause of why we think, react, and behave the way we do, especially in situations that have impact our mental health negatively. This could include going back to negative past experiences or diving into traumas from our childhood to figure out the reasons behind our reasonings.

What are Some Root Causes for the Lack of Productivity?

  1. Fear of failure/self sabotage due to dear of success
  2. Procrastination
  3. Workplace stress/Burn out
  4. Lack of focus/mental clarity
  5. Disorganization
  6. Low morale
  7. Poor sleep

How Can we Change This?

We can do one activity for this, which is create an artificial REM environment to relax ourselves. During a previous session, Fey conducted a live REM experience with me (Swaraa) and the interaction went something like this.

Fey Wong: So, Swaraa, if you can just roll your eyes up as high as you possibly can for me. Roll them up as if you're looking into your own eyebrows or viewing an imaginary spot over your head.

Swaraa Lodha: *As per instructions - Rolls her eyes back and looks up*

Fey Wong: Yes, that's perfect. Okay, and every time you blink, that is hypnosis coming upon you. So just take a deep breath in, Swaraa. As you exhale, it's so easy to let go. Take another deep breath… and let your eyeballs roll down. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale… just shut your eyelids all the way down.  

Swaraa Lodha: *As per instructions - Sits with her head straight and eyes closed*

Fey Wong: That's perfect. As your eyelids shut down, let the muscles and nerves in and around your eyes feel heavy, droopy, or drowsy. Okay, just take one deep breath in again. It's so easy to let go of any tension… any stress… that you're holding in your body. You don't need to do anything. Just let it happen… Just let the drifting, floating feeling cocoon you. You are in a safe space. Okay, Swaraa, you can just gently open your eyes. So how did that feel?  

Swaraa Lodha: Wow, okay. I was feeling a bit anxious before this began, but it kind of centered me with all the breathing. And this is what I imagined what ASMR would feel like?

Yeah, because I listen to a lot of ASMR, I think this is what being in it would feel like.  

Fey Wong: Yeah! You know we are so anxious doing things every day, right? Like even this gives me anxiety. I mean, it's very normal things that we have to do in our everyday life. But how do we find and center ourselves? So, using this process we can do that.  

Step 3: Reframe and Reprogram

This is the toughest step out of the lot. This requires practice and consistent effort as we try to reframe the negative beliefs into more positive ones. After finding out the root cause, we need to explore our inner and outer dialogue to change the conversations we have with ourselves.  


  • Words are powerful and our mind is always listening
  • Self-praise should be made familiar
  • Feeding ourselves better words is important

Do these exercises to find out your inner + outer dialogues and change them accordingly!

Positive VS Negative Dialogue

Feeding Ourselves with Better Words

How will Hypnotherapy Solutions Help?

They can:  

  1. Bring us back to our equilibrium
  2. Help stop procrastination and eliminate fears
  3. Help us change beliefs that are negative
  4. Improve sleep/REM cycles
  5. Change unproductive habits and reduce stress

Abundance & Profitability

Apart from reprogramming and reframing our beliefs, we must also pay attention to our overall mindset and our state of mind. We must make sure to differentiate between the “Poverty Mindset” & the “Abundance Mindset” and remember to implement the latter.  

Poverty Mindset: This mindset will include being fearful, rigid, problem focused, and capable of just low vibrations  

Abundance Mindset: This mindset will include being trusting of the universe, open to receiving, possibility oriented, and capable of high vibrations

Achieving an Abundance Mindset: One must change their subconscious perspectives examine beliefs around abundance and stop comparing their lives to others (because despite having everything, rich people can have a poverty mindset too!)  

Achieving an Abundance Vibe: One must have a generous outlook, good self-esteem, and practice daily gratitude

Corporate Hypnotherapy & Its Impact

This kind of hypnotherapy is used in professional settings and can be used as a human resource (HR) tool. Using corporate hypnotherapy can:

  1. Improve productivity and profitability (due to increase focus and concentration)
  2. Reduce stress
  3. Improve decision making processes
  4. Help employees overcome personal issues
  5. Help staff members to become more self-aware
  6. Enhance team collaboration
  7. Unlock hidden potentials within individuals
  8. Create a more motivated and purposeful workforce

And that’s it for this Masterclass!
Stay tuned for the next one, folks!

About the Expert: Fey Wong is the founder and therapist at HumptyDumpty Hypnotherapy. She focuses on hypnotherapy and rapid transformational therapy to help clients become more content versions of themselves. She believes that the power to design and live your dream life lies within you. She does so by helping clients get rid of their limiting beliefs and be in control of their life.  

DO Masterclass Minutes - Fey's Tricks to Increase Productivity & Profitability with Hypnotherapy

Freelancers lead stressful lives. The stress alongside other traumas & beliefs can end up affecting productivity and profitability! This masterclass revolved around tackling these issues with hypnotherapy!
Published on
May 25, 2023

DO Masterclass Minutes: A summary of the insights and learnings from each class. 🚀

Recently, we had our eighth masterclass in the series.

Topic: Increasing Productivity & Profitability with Hypnotherapy

Expert Speaker: Fey Wong, Founder & Therapist at HumptyDumpty Hypnotherapy

This session included listening to Fey's’ experiences as a hypnotherapist and learning about techniques to make our mind powerful, and work more profitable.  

So, without further ado, let’s get into a (summarized) recap of what we learnt in the class.


“I had the longest day today and I am struggling at work.”

“I have no time for my family, and I feel burnt out.”

“I am getting sick of feeling sad and unwanted”

“I am not able to concentrate on my diet plan and I feel unhealthy”

“I feel like I am not on the same page as my partner, and we are fighting too much”

Any of these seem familiar?

As a recent university graduate, balancing life, love, and laundry all together for the first time, I have heard myself say a lot of these things while struggling to manage everything.  

Do they ring true for you too?

If they do, there is a high chance that your mental health has been impacted by your surroundings and you could use some help to feel better within yourself!

”Everyone has the ability to become the version of themselves.”

As difficult as this sounds, our masterclass expert, Fey, believes this and works every day to make this a reality for her clients. Despite our traumas, our beliefs, and our stresses in life, we all have the power to get out of mental spaces that are not good for us. Especially as freelancers, our traumas and beliefs can not only affect us, but also our productivity and profitability. In such cases, hypnotherapy can help!

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy conducted by hypnosis, which is the state where our nervous systems are asleep. It can be described as a deep state of relaxation, where we can access our subconscious mind and feed ourselves better words and thoughts to direct ourselves into a more positive state. All of us have already experienced hypnosis during our REM or Rapid Eye Movement states when we dream during our sleep. Hypnosis is just tapping into that whilst we are awake. Furthermore, hypnotherapy revolves around the idea that the client and person involved is always aware and in control.

The Conscious VS Unconscious Mind

The conscious mind revolves around our willpower and controlling behaviors and habits. This mind focuses on critical and logical thinking while dealing with short term memory. However, the subconscious mind is incapable of reasoning, making it highly non-judgmental and flexible. This is why hypnosis accesses the subconscious mind and helps us deal with our beliefs, emotions, values, and intuition, amongst other things.  

Rapid Transformational Therapy

Rapid Transformational Therapy is a treatment or process created by Marisa Peer, that uses principles of hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Counselling in amalgamation to help clients with their issues. This can include anything from anxiety and depression to trauma and daily stress. This form of hypnotherapy can help our lives, business, and career. We can learn to break habits, get rid of addictions, overcome fears, and resolve mental blocks/issues.  

Of course, it is much easier said than done, but there are steps in hypnotherapy that can help you increase your productivity and profitability.  

Step 1: What are Our Beliefs?

We make our beliefs and then our beliefs make us. We all live our lives in different ways and experience vastly different situations, all of which make us believe certain truths about our personal and professional lives.  

This is what makes beliefs extremely powerful. They hold the power to change our thinking as well as make us very rigid to change what we already think.

Which is why the first step of hypnotherapy (to increase productivity and profitability) is examining our beliefs.  

We need to ask ourselves:  

  1. What are some beliefs we have about ourselves and our business/work?
  2. Why are these beliefs in place?
  3. Are they underlying and affect everything without us realizing it or are they visible to us in everything we do?

Step 2: What is The Root Cause?

This is where we need to deep dive into our beliefs and figure out why our beliefs have transformed into what they are now. We need to access our childhood memories and conditioning to get to the root cause of why we think, react, and behave the way we do, especially in situations that have impact our mental health negatively. This could include going back to negative past experiences or diving into traumas from our childhood to figure out the reasons behind our reasonings.

What are Some Root Causes for the Lack of Productivity?

  1. Fear of failure/self sabotage due to dear of success
  2. Procrastination
  3. Workplace stress/Burn out
  4. Lack of focus/mental clarity
  5. Disorganization
  6. Low morale
  7. Poor sleep

How Can we Change This?

We can do one activity for this, which is create an artificial REM environment to relax ourselves. During a previous session, Fey conducted a live REM experience with me (Swaraa) and the interaction went something like this.

Fey Wong: So, Swaraa, if you can just roll your eyes up as high as you possibly can for me. Roll them up as if you're looking into your own eyebrows or viewing an imaginary spot over your head.

Swaraa Lodha: *As per instructions - Rolls her eyes back and looks up*

Fey Wong: Yes, that's perfect. Okay, and every time you blink, that is hypnosis coming upon you. So just take a deep breath in, Swaraa. As you exhale, it's so easy to let go. Take another deep breath… and let your eyeballs roll down. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale… just shut your eyelids all the way down.  

Swaraa Lodha: *As per instructions - Sits with her head straight and eyes closed*

Fey Wong: That's perfect. As your eyelids shut down, let the muscles and nerves in and around your eyes feel heavy, droopy, or drowsy. Okay, just take one deep breath in again. It's so easy to let go of any tension… any stress… that you're holding in your body. You don't need to do anything. Just let it happen… Just let the drifting, floating feeling cocoon you. You are in a safe space. Okay, Swaraa, you can just gently open your eyes. So how did that feel?  

Swaraa Lodha: Wow, okay. I was feeling a bit anxious before this began, but it kind of centered me with all the breathing. And this is what I imagined what ASMR would feel like?

Yeah, because I listen to a lot of ASMR, I think this is what being in it would feel like.  

Fey Wong: Yeah! You know we are so anxious doing things every day, right? Like even this gives me anxiety. I mean, it's very normal things that we have to do in our everyday life. But how do we find and center ourselves? So, using this process we can do that.  

Step 3: Reframe and Reprogram

This is the toughest step out of the lot. This requires practice and consistent effort as we try to reframe the negative beliefs into more positive ones. After finding out the root cause, we need to explore our inner and outer dialogue to change the conversations we have with ourselves.  


  • Words are powerful and our mind is always listening
  • Self-praise should be made familiar
  • Feeding ourselves better words is important

Do these exercises to find out your inner + outer dialogues and change them accordingly!

Positive VS Negative Dialogue

Feeding Ourselves with Better Words

How will Hypnotherapy Solutions Help?

They can:  

  1. Bring us back to our equilibrium
  2. Help stop procrastination and eliminate fears
  3. Help us change beliefs that are negative
  4. Improve sleep/REM cycles
  5. Change unproductive habits and reduce stress

Abundance & Profitability

Apart from reprogramming and reframing our beliefs, we must also pay attention to our overall mindset and our state of mind. We must make sure to differentiate between the “Poverty Mindset” & the “Abundance Mindset” and remember to implement the latter.  

Poverty Mindset: This mindset will include being fearful, rigid, problem focused, and capable of just low vibrations  

Abundance Mindset: This mindset will include being trusting of the universe, open to receiving, possibility oriented, and capable of high vibrations

Achieving an Abundance Mindset: One must change their subconscious perspectives examine beliefs around abundance and stop comparing their lives to others (because despite having everything, rich people can have a poverty mindset too!)  

Achieving an Abundance Vibe: One must have a generous outlook, good self-esteem, and practice daily gratitude

Corporate Hypnotherapy & Its Impact

This kind of hypnotherapy is used in professional settings and can be used as a human resource (HR) tool. Using corporate hypnotherapy can:

  1. Improve productivity and profitability (due to increase focus and concentration)
  2. Reduce stress
  3. Improve decision making processes
  4. Help employees overcome personal issues
  5. Help staff members to become more self-aware
  6. Enhance team collaboration
  7. Unlock hidden potentials within individuals
  8. Create a more motivated and purposeful workforce

And that’s it for this Masterclass!
Stay tuned for the next one, folks!

About the Expert: Fey Wong is the founder and therapist at HumptyDumpty Hypnotherapy. She focuses on hypnotherapy and rapid transformational therapy to help clients become more content versions of themselves. She believes that the power to design and live your dream life lies within you. She does so by helping clients get rid of their limiting beliefs and be in control of their life.  

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DO Masterclass Minutes: A summary of the insights and learnings from each class. 🚀

Recently, we had our eighth masterclass in the series.

Topic: Increasing Productivity & Profitability with Hypnotherapy

Expert Speaker: Fey Wong, Founder & Therapist at HumptyDumpty Hypnotherapy

This session included listening to Fey's’ experiences as a hypnotherapist and learning about techniques to make our mind powerful, and work more profitable.  

So, without further ado, let’s get into a (summarized) recap of what we learnt in the class.


“I had the longest day today and I am struggling at work.”

“I have no time for my family, and I feel burnt out.”

“I am getting sick of feeling sad and unwanted”

“I am not able to concentrate on my diet plan and I feel unhealthy”

“I feel like I am not on the same page as my partner, and we are fighting too much”

Any of these seem familiar?

As a recent university graduate, balancing life, love, and laundry all together for the first time, I have heard myself say a lot of these things while struggling to manage everything.  

Do they ring true for you too?

If they do, there is a high chance that your mental health has been impacted by your surroundings and you could use some help to feel better within yourself!

”Everyone has the ability to become the version of themselves.”

As difficult as this sounds, our masterclass expert, Fey, believes this and works every day to make this a reality for her clients. Despite our traumas, our beliefs, and our stresses in life, we all have the power to get out of mental spaces that are not good for us. Especially as freelancers, our traumas and beliefs can not only affect us, but also our productivity and profitability. In such cases, hypnotherapy can help!

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy conducted by hypnosis, which is the state where our nervous systems are asleep. It can be described as a deep state of relaxation, where we can access our subconscious mind and feed ourselves better words and thoughts to direct ourselves into a more positive state. All of us have already experienced hypnosis during our REM or Rapid Eye Movement states when we dream during our sleep. Hypnosis is just tapping into that whilst we are awake. Furthermore, hypnotherapy revolves around the idea that the client and person involved is always aware and in control.

The Conscious VS Unconscious Mind

The conscious mind revolves around our willpower and controlling behaviors and habits. This mind focuses on critical and logical thinking while dealing with short term memory. However, the subconscious mind is incapable of reasoning, making it highly non-judgmental and flexible. This is why hypnosis accesses the subconscious mind and helps us deal with our beliefs, emotions, values, and intuition, amongst other things.  

Rapid Transformational Therapy

Rapid Transformational Therapy is a treatment or process created by Marisa Peer, that uses principles of hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Counselling in amalgamation to help clients with their issues. This can include anything from anxiety and depression to trauma and daily stress. This form of hypnotherapy can help our lives, business, and career. We can learn to break habits, get rid of addictions, overcome fears, and resolve mental blocks/issues.  

Of course, it is much easier said than done, but there are steps in hypnotherapy that can help you increase your productivity and profitability.  

Step 1: What are Our Beliefs?

We make our beliefs and then our beliefs make us. We all live our lives in different ways and experience vastly different situations, all of which make us believe certain truths about our personal and professional lives.  

This is what makes beliefs extremely powerful. They hold the power to change our thinking as well as make us very rigid to change what we already think.

Which is why the first step of hypnotherapy (to increase productivity and profitability) is examining our beliefs.  

We need to ask ourselves:  

  1. What are some beliefs we have about ourselves and our business/work?
  2. Why are these beliefs in place?
  3. Are they underlying and affect everything without us realizing it or are they visible to us in everything we do?

Step 2: What is The Root Cause?

This is where we need to deep dive into our beliefs and figure out why our beliefs have transformed into what they are now. We need to access our childhood memories and conditioning to get to the root cause of why we think, react, and behave the way we do, especially in situations that have impact our mental health negatively. This could include going back to negative past experiences or diving into traumas from our childhood to figure out the reasons behind our reasonings.

What are Some Root Causes for the Lack of Productivity?

  1. Fear of failure/self sabotage due to dear of success
  2. Procrastination
  3. Workplace stress/Burn out
  4. Lack of focus/mental clarity
  5. Disorganization
  6. Low morale
  7. Poor sleep

How Can we Change This?

We can do one activity for this, which is create an artificial REM environment to relax ourselves. During a previous session, Fey conducted a live REM experience with me (Swaraa) and the interaction went something like this.

Fey Wong: So, Swaraa, if you can just roll your eyes up as high as you possibly can for me. Roll them up as if you're looking into your own eyebrows or viewing an imaginary spot over your head.

Swaraa Lodha: *As per instructions - Rolls her eyes back and looks up*

Fey Wong: Yes, that's perfect. Okay, and every time you blink, that is hypnosis coming upon you. So just take a deep breath in, Swaraa. As you exhale, it's so easy to let go. Take another deep breath… and let your eyeballs roll down. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale… just shut your eyelids all the way down.  

Swaraa Lodha: *As per instructions - Sits with her head straight and eyes closed*

Fey Wong: That's perfect. As your eyelids shut down, let the muscles and nerves in and around your eyes feel heavy, droopy, or drowsy. Okay, just take one deep breath in again. It's so easy to let go of any tension… any stress… that you're holding in your body. You don't need to do anything. Just let it happen… Just let the drifting, floating feeling cocoon you. You are in a safe space. Okay, Swaraa, you can just gently open your eyes. So how did that feel?  

Swaraa Lodha: Wow, okay. I was feeling a bit anxious before this began, but it kind of centered me with all the breathing. And this is what I imagined what ASMR would feel like?

Yeah, because I listen to a lot of ASMR, I think this is what being in it would feel like.  

Fey Wong: Yeah! You know we are so anxious doing things every day, right? Like even this gives me anxiety. I mean, it's very normal things that we have to do in our everyday life. But how do we find and center ourselves? So, using this process we can do that.  

Step 3: Reframe and Reprogram

This is the toughest step out of the lot. This requires practice and consistent effort as we try to reframe the negative beliefs into more positive ones. After finding out the root cause, we need to explore our inner and outer dialogue to change the conversations we have with ourselves.  


  • Words are powerful and our mind is always listening
  • Self-praise should be made familiar
  • Feeding ourselves better words is important

Do these exercises to find out your inner + outer dialogues and change them accordingly!

Positive VS Negative Dialogue

Feeding Ourselves with Better Words

How will Hypnotherapy Solutions Help?

They can:  

  1. Bring us back to our equilibrium
  2. Help stop procrastination and eliminate fears
  3. Help us change beliefs that are negative
  4. Improve sleep/REM cycles
  5. Change unproductive habits and reduce stress

Abundance & Profitability

Apart from reprogramming and reframing our beliefs, we must also pay attention to our overall mindset and our state of mind. We must make sure to differentiate between the “Poverty Mindset” & the “Abundance Mindset” and remember to implement the latter.  

Poverty Mindset: This mindset will include being fearful, rigid, problem focused, and capable of just low vibrations  

Abundance Mindset: This mindset will include being trusting of the universe, open to receiving, possibility oriented, and capable of high vibrations

Achieving an Abundance Mindset: One must change their subconscious perspectives examine beliefs around abundance and stop comparing their lives to others (because despite having everything, rich people can have a poverty mindset too!)  

Achieving an Abundance Vibe: One must have a generous outlook, good self-esteem, and practice daily gratitude

Corporate Hypnotherapy & Its Impact

This kind of hypnotherapy is used in professional settings and can be used as a human resource (HR) tool. Using corporate hypnotherapy can:

  1. Improve productivity and profitability (due to increase focus and concentration)
  2. Reduce stress
  3. Improve decision making processes
  4. Help employees overcome personal issues
  5. Help staff members to become more self-aware
  6. Enhance team collaboration
  7. Unlock hidden potentials within individuals
  8. Create a more motivated and purposeful workforce

And that’s it for this Masterclass!
Stay tuned for the next one, folks!

About the Expert: Fey Wong is the founder and therapist at HumptyDumpty Hypnotherapy. She focuses on hypnotherapy and rapid transformational therapy to help clients become more content versions of themselves. She believes that the power to design and live your dream life lies within you. She does so by helping clients get rid of their limiting beliefs and be in control of their life.  

DO Masterclass Minutes: A summary of the insights and learnings from each class. 🚀

Recently, we had our eighth masterclass in the series.

Topic: Increasing Productivity & Profitability with Hypnotherapy

Expert Speaker: Fey Wong, Founder & Therapist at HumptyDumpty Hypnotherapy

This session included listening to Fey's’ experiences as a hypnotherapist and learning about techniques to make our mind powerful, and work more profitable.  

So, without further ado, let’s get into a (summarized) recap of what we learnt in the class.


“I had the longest day today and I am struggling at work.”

“I have no time for my family, and I feel burnt out.”

“I am getting sick of feeling sad and unwanted”

“I am not able to concentrate on my diet plan and I feel unhealthy”

“I feel like I am not on the same page as my partner, and we are fighting too much”

Any of these seem familiar?

As a recent university graduate, balancing life, love, and laundry all together for the first time, I have heard myself say a lot of these things while struggling to manage everything.  

Do they ring true for you too?

If they do, there is a high chance that your mental health has been impacted by your surroundings and you could use some help to feel better within yourself!

”Everyone has the ability to become the version of themselves.”

As difficult as this sounds, our masterclass expert, Fey, believes this and works every day to make this a reality for her clients. Despite our traumas, our beliefs, and our stresses in life, we all have the power to get out of mental spaces that are not good for us. Especially as freelancers, our traumas and beliefs can not only affect us, but also our productivity and profitability. In such cases, hypnotherapy can help!

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy conducted by hypnosis, which is the state where our nervous systems are asleep. It can be described as a deep state of relaxation, where we can access our subconscious mind and feed ourselves better words and thoughts to direct ourselves into a more positive state. All of us have already experienced hypnosis during our REM or Rapid Eye Movement states when we dream during our sleep. Hypnosis is just tapping into that whilst we are awake. Furthermore, hypnotherapy revolves around the idea that the client and person involved is always aware and in control.

The Conscious VS Unconscious Mind

The conscious mind revolves around our willpower and controlling behaviors and habits. This mind focuses on critical and logical thinking while dealing with short term memory. However, the subconscious mind is incapable of reasoning, making it highly non-judgmental and flexible. This is why hypnosis accesses the subconscious mind and helps us deal with our beliefs, emotions, values, and intuition, amongst other things.  

Rapid Transformational Therapy

Rapid Transformational Therapy is a treatment or process created by Marisa Peer, that uses principles of hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Counselling in amalgamation to help clients with their issues. This can include anything from anxiety and depression to trauma and daily stress. This form of hypnotherapy can help our lives, business, and career. We can learn to break habits, get rid of addictions, overcome fears, and resolve mental blocks/issues.  

Of course, it is much easier said than done, but there are steps in hypnotherapy that can help you increase your productivity and profitability.  

Step 1: What are Our Beliefs?

We make our beliefs and then our beliefs make us. We all live our lives in different ways and experience vastly different situations, all of which make us believe certain truths about our personal and professional lives.  

This is what makes beliefs extremely powerful. They hold the power to change our thinking as well as make us very rigid to change what we already think.

Which is why the first step of hypnotherapy (to increase productivity and profitability) is examining our beliefs.  

We need to ask ourselves:  

  1. What are some beliefs we have about ourselves and our business/work?
  2. Why are these beliefs in place?
  3. Are they underlying and affect everything without us realizing it or are they visible to us in everything we do?

Step 2: What is The Root Cause?

This is where we need to deep dive into our beliefs and figure out why our beliefs have transformed into what they are now. We need to access our childhood memories and conditioning to get to the root cause of why we think, react, and behave the way we do, especially in situations that have impact our mental health negatively. This could include going back to negative past experiences or diving into traumas from our childhood to figure out the reasons behind our reasonings.

What are Some Root Causes for the Lack of Productivity?

  1. Fear of failure/self sabotage due to dear of success
  2. Procrastination
  3. Workplace stress/Burn out
  4. Lack of focus/mental clarity
  5. Disorganization
  6. Low morale
  7. Poor sleep

How Can we Change This?

We can do one activity for this, which is create an artificial REM environment to relax ourselves. During a previous session, Fey conducted a live REM experience with me (Swaraa) and the interaction went something like this.

Fey Wong: So, Swaraa, if you can just roll your eyes up as high as you possibly can for me. Roll them up as if you're looking into your own eyebrows or viewing an imaginary spot over your head.

Swaraa Lodha: *As per instructions - Rolls her eyes back and looks up*

Fey Wong: Yes, that's perfect. Okay, and every time you blink, that is hypnosis coming upon you. So just take a deep breath in, Swaraa. As you exhale, it's so easy to let go. Take another deep breath… and let your eyeballs roll down. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale… just shut your eyelids all the way down.  

Swaraa Lodha: *As per instructions - Sits with her head straight and eyes closed*

Fey Wong: That's perfect. As your eyelids shut down, let the muscles and nerves in and around your eyes feel heavy, droopy, or drowsy. Okay, just take one deep breath in again. It's so easy to let go of any tension… any stress… that you're holding in your body. You don't need to do anything. Just let it happen… Just let the drifting, floating feeling cocoon you. You are in a safe space. Okay, Swaraa, you can just gently open your eyes. So how did that feel?  

Swaraa Lodha: Wow, okay. I was feeling a bit anxious before this began, but it kind of centered me with all the breathing. And this is what I imagined what ASMR would feel like?

Yeah, because I listen to a lot of ASMR, I think this is what being in it would feel like.  

Fey Wong: Yeah! You know we are so anxious doing things every day, right? Like even this gives me anxiety. I mean, it's very normal things that we have to do in our everyday life. But how do we find and center ourselves? So, using this process we can do that.  

Step 3: Reframe and Reprogram

This is the toughest step out of the lot. This requires practice and consistent effort as we try to reframe the negative beliefs into more positive ones. After finding out the root cause, we need to explore our inner and outer dialogue to change the conversations we have with ourselves.  


  • Words are powerful and our mind is always listening
  • Self-praise should be made familiar
  • Feeding ourselves better words is important

Do these exercises to find out your inner + outer dialogues and change them accordingly!

Positive VS Negative Dialogue

Feeding Ourselves with Better Words

How will Hypnotherapy Solutions Help?

They can:  

  1. Bring us back to our equilibrium
  2. Help stop procrastination and eliminate fears
  3. Help us change beliefs that are negative
  4. Improve sleep/REM cycles
  5. Change unproductive habits and reduce stress

Abundance & Profitability

Apart from reprogramming and reframing our beliefs, we must also pay attention to our overall mindset and our state of mind. We must make sure to differentiate between the “Poverty Mindset” & the “Abundance Mindset” and remember to implement the latter.  

Poverty Mindset: This mindset will include being fearful, rigid, problem focused, and capable of just low vibrations  

Abundance Mindset: This mindset will include being trusting of the universe, open to receiving, possibility oriented, and capable of high vibrations

Achieving an Abundance Mindset: One must change their subconscious perspectives examine beliefs around abundance and stop comparing their lives to others (because despite having everything, rich people can have a poverty mindset too!)  

Achieving an Abundance Vibe: One must have a generous outlook, good self-esteem, and practice daily gratitude

Corporate Hypnotherapy & Its Impact

This kind of hypnotherapy is used in professional settings and can be used as a human resource (HR) tool. Using corporate hypnotherapy can:

  1. Improve productivity and profitability (due to increase focus and concentration)
  2. Reduce stress
  3. Improve decision making processes
  4. Help employees overcome personal issues
  5. Help staff members to become more self-aware
  6. Enhance team collaboration
  7. Unlock hidden potentials within individuals
  8. Create a more motivated and purposeful workforce

And that’s it for this Masterclass!
Stay tuned for the next one, folks!

About the Expert: Fey Wong is the founder and therapist at HumptyDumpty Hypnotherapy. She focuses on hypnotherapy and rapid transformational therapy to help clients become more content versions of themselves. She believes that the power to design and live your dream life lies within you. She does so by helping clients get rid of their limiting beliefs and be in control of their life.  

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